No matter how successful your student is, college life can be challenging and each Mountaineer will have different obstacles to conquer. App State offers many resources that can help provide a system of support and encouragement, which can help supplement the support system students have back home.
Keeping In Touch
While life at college is an opportunity for your student to learn and develop independence that will be beneficial throughout adulthood, it is still good for them to have a support system from family and loved ones.
- Check in with your student on a planned, regular basis to let them know you are there for them; this can include a phone call, text, card or care package in the mail.
- Don’t avoid the tough conversations – acknowledge that college life can be stressful and ask about how they are handling stress and whether they are okay.
- If you have a reason to be concerned or your student comes to you with a problem, try to offer non-judgmental support and offer to help them seek out resources and options for getting support on-campus or in the Boone area.
- Communicate hope by reminding your student that there are always options, you believe in them and that they can get through their difficult times, and that things tend to look different with time and action.
Health & Wellness Resources
M.S. Shook Student Health Service is a primary care ambulatory campus health clinic helping meet the needs of students. Services include sick and wellness visits, immunizations, laboratory, radiology, injury clinic, mental health visits, travel health, student insurance and pharmacy.
Available to all currently enrolled students, Counseling and Psychological Services enables students to meet with a counselor for consultation, referral or short-term counseling. A variety of services are available, including drop-in, emergency and after-hours.
Wellness & Prevention Services offers self-care and peer-to-peer services and events to promote healthy behaviors, modify risk behaviors, and advocate for campus-wide policies which facilitate student success and holistic well-being.
Appalachian Cares is a source for wellness, health and safety information, resources and support for the campus community. App State offers many dedicated resources on our campus to help students navigate the challenges of student life safely and successfully.
Emergency Information for Families
Help your student register for AppState-ALERT, the 24/7 emergency messaging system designed to provide timely information in the event of a campus emergency. Find resources to help you and your student plan for general safety and emergency preparedness on campus.
Student Conduct, Legal & Support Services
The Office of the Dean of Students supports student growth and self-responsibility. Connect with information about Student Conduct, Student Veteran Services and the Student Legal Clinic.